Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Many thanks
Actually, Joe, the light in my pictures is different because i take them with my cell phone. I almost quit posting because I thought you wouldn’t like it but I’ll insist a little longer. It means my pictures are not gonna be so good but i'll try not to disappoint you anyway. ;)
Anne and Michael I didn’t know I had blocked them… Hope you keep teaching me how to use this… And Mike did you like the city? Where did you stay?
Though I have no pictures, let me tell you a little more about Rio.
It’s an ugly rainy day here today. Cariocas are not used to cold and rain so it’s funny to see everybody in coats every time temperature falls lower than 20ºC. I’ll try to steal my boyfriend’s camera and show you how the summer city looks like in autumn. Don’t give up on me guys!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
What's out there

This is the view i have from my table at work. It's an example of one of the things that fascinate me about Rio: we are always in touch with nature. There are trees everywhere and you don’t have to go far to be in the middle of the forest.
This bay in the picture is Guanabara Bay. The Portuguese discovered Brazil in 1500. One year later they came back with another expedition to know better the new lands they had found. One of the first places they discovered was this bay. They first thought it was a river and, as it was January, they named the place January River – in Portuguese, Rio de Janeiro.
This bridge you see is Presidente Costa e Silva Bridge. It’s commonly called Rio-Niterói Bridge because, as the name says, it connects Rio de Janeiro to Niterói, a neighbor city. It’s very used every day because there are many people who lives in Niterói that work in Rio and it’s the best way to the Lakes Region where everybody likes to go in summer.
You can also use small boats to cross the bay; it is much faster and pleasant.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Ipanema sunset

Let me start with the obvious: the beaches.
Rio has the most beautiful beaches i've ever seen and they are of the main touristic point of the city - yes, we have Sugar Loaf an Corcovado too but i'll talk about them later.
They are not just beautiful, they are different. And the reason is the people. People from Rio (the cariocas) make the beaches a special place. It's a place to meet people, where you have special friends (the beach dudes) and where everybody goes every sunny weekend. Every summer weekend nobody does anything before going to the beach and Monday is the day to show the tan around.
The most famous beach is Ipanema - the one of the picture. It's my favorite neighbourhood and a wonderful place to live. It's just not very cheap but the place everybody should stay when visiting Rio.